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Processing console MODIFY/F and STOP/P commands.

Many mainframe tasks such as server tasks (daemons) execute for long periods of time.  In order to communicate with such tasks, one could leave an outstanding WTOR on the console.  To terminate a task having an outstanding WTOR, one would respond to the WTOR with the appropriate shutdown command.  Another technique would be to honor the console STOP or P command.  Additionally, one could honor the console MODIFY or F command to alter the operation of the task.

This tutorial will attempt to illustrate a technique to capture console STOP or P commands and MODIFY or F commands.  It uses the authorized assembler services EXTRACT and QEDIT macros and must therefore be bound (link edited) into an APF authorized library with AC=1.

The following is a fully functional code example of a program that examines and processes z/OS console MODIFY or F and STOP or P commands:

CMDTASK  TITLE 'Sample task to illustrate console command processing'
*        Private code Copyright preamble.                             *
         CSECT ,                   Private Code CSECT.
         AMODE 31                  Set 31-Bit addressing mode.
         RMODE ANY                 Set Any (24 or 31-Bit) residency.
         SPACE ,
         DC    C'Assembly date && time: &SYSDATE &SYSTIME '
         DC    C'Copyright (C) 1993-2006, Marc Niegowski '
         DC    C'Systems Programmer At Large '
         DC    C'All Rights Reserved.'
         SPACE ,
*        If you assemble and bind this module as CMDTASK into an
*        authorized library and START/S it, you can STOP/P it with a
*        "P CMDTASK" command. If you submit it as a job, you can
*        STOP/P it with a "P jobname" command.
         SPACE ,
*        If this task was started with a START/S command, you can also
*        send if MODIFY/F commands like "F CMDTASK,PARM=(ANYTHING)". If
*        you have submitted it as a job, the MODIFY/F commands take the
*        form "F jobname,PARM=(ANYTHING)".
         SPACE ,
*        Register equates.                                            *
         REGEQU ,                  Generate register equates.
*        Main CSECT and entry point.                                  *
CMDTASK  CSECT ,                   Main CSECT.
CMDTASK  AMODE 31                  Set 31-Bit addressing mode.
CMDTASK  RMODE ANY                 Set Any (24 or 31-Bit) residency.
         SPACE ,
         ENTRY CMDTASK             CSECT entry point.
         BAKR  R14,0               Store callers regs to system stack.
         LR    R12,R15             Load A(CSECT base).
         USING CMDTASK,R12         Establish CSECT addressability.
         SPACE ,
         STORAGE OBTAIN,           Allocate some working storage...    C
               ADDR=(R11),         ...for a register save area ...     C
               LENGTH=WSDL         ...(RSA), Stack, Buffers, etc..
         SPACE ,
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         LA    R2,1(,R11)          Load A(Working Storage + 1) to R2.
         LA    R3,WSDL-1           Load L'Working Storage - 1 to R3.
         LR    R4,R11              Load A(Working storage) to R4.
         LA    R5,1                Load 1 to R5.
         MVCL  R2,R4               Init working storage to X'00's.
         LA    R8,WSDSTACK         Base the stack with R8.
         SPACE ,
         ST    R13,WSDR13P         Save A(Prior RSA).
         MVC   WSDR13,=C'F1SA'     Set Format 1 Save Area for others.
         LA    R13,WSDRSA          Load A(RSA) to R13.
         SPACE ,
         MVC   WSDWTOL,WTOL        Move list form WTO to working stg.
         MVC   WSDTIMEL,TIMEL      Move list form TIME to working stg.
         MVC   WSDEXTL,EXTRACTL    Move list form EXTRACT to work stg.
         SPACE ,
         BAS   R14,TS0010          Call task start routine.
*DUMMY*  BAS   R14,ST0010          Call task STIMER routine.
         BAS   R14,EX0010          Call task EXTRACT routine.
CM0010   DS    0H
         BAS   R14,SC0010          Call CIB examination routine.
         TM    WSDFLAG,FSTOP       Did we get a STOP/P command?
         BO    CM0020              Yes, take branch.
         WAIT  ECBLIST=WSDECBLA    Wait for another console command.
         B     CM0010              Check the command that was issued.
         SPACE ,
CM0020   DS    0H
         BAS   R14,TT0010          Call task termination routine.
         SPACE ,
         L     R13,WSDR13P         Restore original R13.
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
         SPACE ,
         STORAGE RELEASE,          Free working storage area (WSD).    C
               ADDR=(R11),                                             C
         SPACE ,
         XR    R15,R15             Clear return code.
         PR                        Return to caller.
*        Task start.                                                  *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
TS0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         BAS   R14,DT0010          Get system date and time.
         MVC   WSDMSG(L'WTOT001+2),WTOM001
         LA    R2,WSDMSG           Load A(Task start message).
         SPACE ,
         WTO   TEXT=((R2)),        WTO message address in R2.          C
               MF=(E,WSDWTOL)      WTO execute form.
         SPACE ,
TS9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
*        Task termination.                                            *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
TT0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         BAS   R14,DT0010          Get system date and time.
         MVC   WSDMSG(L'WTOT002+2),WTOM002
         LA    R2,WSDMSG           Load A(Task ended message).
         SPACE ,
         WTO   TEXT=((R2)),        WTO message address in R2.          C
               MF=(E,WSDWTOL)      WTO execute form.
         SPACE ,
TT9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
*        Retrieve date and time from the system.                      *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
DT0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         XC    WSDDTME,WSDDTME     Clear the time and date field.
         SPACE ,
         TIME  DEC,                Return time in decimal format.      C
               WSDDTME,            16 Byte time and date field.        C
               ZONE=LT,            Return local time as opposed to GMT.C
               LINKAGE=SYSTEM,     System linkage as opposed to SVC.   C
               DATETYPE=MMDDYYYY,  Date format.                        C
               MF=(E,WSDTIMEL)     Execute form TIME macro.
         SPACE ,
         OI    WSDDTME+6,X'0C'             Set a sign for the time.
         MVO   WSDDTME+7(5),WSDDTME+8(4)   Offset the packed date.
         NI    WSDDTME+11,X'F0'            Clear the sign nybble.
         OI    WSDDTME+11,X'0C'            Set a sign for the date.
         SPACE ,
         MVC   WSDEDTIM,TIMEMASK   Move out the TIME edit mask.
         ED    WSDEDTIM,WSDDTME    Edit the time.
         MVC   WSDEDDTE,DATEMASK   Move out the DATE edit mask.
         ED    WSDEDDTE,WSDDTME+7  Edit the date.
         SPACE ,
DT9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
*        Set STIMER to place the task into a wait.                    *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
ST0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         MVC   WSDINTVL,=F'6000'   6000 * 1/100 = 60 Seconds.
         SPACE ,
         STIMER WAIT,              Set a WAIT type STIMER.             C
               BINTVL=WSDINTVL     A(Binary timer interval).
         SPACE ,
ST9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
*        Extract the Communications Scheduler communications list.    *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
EX0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         EXTRACT WSDCOMA,          A(Comm. sched. communications list).C
               'S',                Use current TCB address.            C
               FIELDS=(COMM),      Return Comm. sched. comm. list.     C
               MF=(E,WSDEXTL)      Execute form EXTRACT macro.
         SPACE ,
EX9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11                 Drop WSD.
*        Examine the CIB for STOP/P and MODIFY/F commands.            *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
SC0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
         ICM   R10,B'1111',WSDCOMA Insert A(COM).
         BZ    SC9000              Take branch if no A(COMM).
         USING COM,R10             Establish COMM addressability.
         SPACE ,
         ICM   R9,B'1111',COMCIBPT Insert A(CIB).
         BNZ   SC0040              We have a CIB, examine it.
         USING CIB,R9              Establish CIB addressability.
         SPACE ,
SC0030   DS    0H                  Make a CIB.
         QEDIT ORIGIN=COMCIBPT,    A(CIB chain for this task).         C
               CIBCTR=16           Number of CIBs for this task.
         SPACE ,
*        Note: A CIBCTR of zero means that no MODIFY/F commands will be
*              accepted. CIBCTR can be between 0 and 255. A number
*              greater than 0 means that up to that number of MODIFY/F
*              commands can be chained. A STOP/P command automatically
*              sets the CIBCTR to 0 so that no more commands will be
*              accepted.
         SPACE ,
         L     R1,COMECBPT         Load A(COM ECB).
         O     R1,ECBLEND          Mark end of ECB list.
         ST    R1,WSDECBLA         Store A(ECB list).
         B     SC9000              Exit routine.
         SPACE ,
SC0040   DS    0H                  Examine the CIB.
         CLI   CIBVERB,CIBMODFY    Was it a MODIFY/F command?
         BNE   SC0050              No, take branch.
         BAS   R14,MD0010          Yes, process MODIFY/F command.
         B     SC0060              Branch around STOP/F check.
         SPACE ,
SC0050   DS    0H
         CLI   CIBVERB,CIBSTOP    Was it a STOP/P command?
         BNE   SC0060             No, take branch.
         OI    WSDFLAG,FSTOP       Set the STOP/P flag.
SC0060   DS    0H
         QEDIT ORIGIN=COMCIBPT,    A(CIB chain for this task).         C
               BLOCK=(R9)          Free this CIB.
         SPACE ,
         TM    WSDFLAG,FSTOP       Was this CIB for a STOP/P command?
         BNO   SC0030              No, take branch.
         SPACE ,
         BAS   R14,DT0010          Get system date and time.
         MVC   WSDMSG(L'WTOT003+2),WTOM003
         LA    R2,WSDMSG           Load A(Task stopped message).
         SPACE ,
         WTO   TEXT=((R2)),        WTO message address in R2.          C
               MF=(E,WSDWTOL)      WTO execute form.
         SPACE ,
SC9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R9,R10,R11          Drop CIB, COM, WSD.
*        Process CIB MODIFY/F commands.                               *
         SPACE ,
*        Call with: R10 - A(COM)
*                   R9  - A(CIB)
         SPACE ,
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         USING COM,R10             Establish COM addressability.
         USING CIB,R9              Establish CIB addressability.
         SPACE ,
MD0010   DS    0H                  Routine entry point.
         ST    R14,0(,R8)          Store return address to stack.
         LA    R8,4(,R8)           Increment stack pointer.
         SPACE ,
MD0020   DS    0H                  Process MODIFY/F command.
         BAS   R14,DT0010          Get system date and time.
         MVC   WSDMSG(L'WTOT004+2),WTOM004
         LA    R2,WSDMSG           Load A(Task modified message).
         SPACE ,
         WTO   TEXT=((R2)),        WTO message address in R2.          C
               MF=(E,WSDWTOL)      WTO execute form.
         SPACE ,
MD0030   DS    0H                  Extract MODIFY/F data.
         MVC   WSDMSG+2(L'WTOT005),WTOT005
         LH    R3,CIBDATLN         Get MODIFY/F data from CIB.
         CHI   R3,126-L'WTOT005    Is data length > max msg length?
         BNH   MD0040              No, take branch.
         LA    R3,126-L'WTOT005    Yes, set max msg length & truncate.
         SPACE ,
MD0040   DS    0H
         LTR   R4,R3               Was there any MODIFY/F data?
         BZ    MD0050              No, take branch.
         BCTR  R3,0                Decrement it for MVC.
         LA    R2,CIBDATA          Load A(MODIFY/F data).
         LA    R1,WSDMSG+2+L'WTOT005
         EX    R3,MVCEX            Move MODIFY/F data to the message.
         LA    R4,L'WTOT005(,R4)   Add the message header length.
         STH   R4,WSDMSG           Store the message length.
         LA    R2,WSDMSG           Load A(WTO message).
         SPACE ,
         WTO   TEXT=((R2)),        WTO message address in R2.          C
               MF=(E,WSDWTOL)      WTO execute form.
         SPACE ,
MD0050   DS    0H                  Run CIB chain.
         ICM   R7,B'1111',CIBNEXT  Is there another chained CIB?
         BZ    MD9000              No, take branch.
         SPACE ,
*        Note: The caller will delete the last CIB on the chain.
         SPACE ,
         QEDIT ORIGIN=COMCIBPT,    A(CIB chain for this task).         C
               BLOCK=(R9)          Free this CIB.
         SPACE ,
         LR    R9,R7               Load A(Next CIB).
         CLI   CIBVERB,CIBMODFY    Is is a MODIFY/F command?
         BE    MD0030              Yes, take branch and process it.
         B     MD0050              No, take branch and delete it.
         SPACE ,
MD9000   DS    0H                  Routine exit.
         AHI   R8,-4               Decrement stack pointer.
         L     R14,0(,R8)          Restore return address.
         BR    R14                 Return to caller.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R9,R10,R11          Drop CIB, COM, WSD.
*        Literal pool origin and program constants.                   *
         USING WSD,R11             Establish WSD addressability.
         SPACE ,
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
MVCEX    MVC 0(0,R1),0(R2)         General purpose MVC to execute.
         SPACE ,
WTOL     WTO   TEXT=,              List form WTO.                      C
               ROUTCDE=(2,11),     Console & Programmer Information.   C
               MCSFLAG=(BRDCST),   Broadcast to all consoles.          C
               DESC=(6),           Job Status Descriptor Code.         C
               MF=L                List form macro.
WTOLLEN  EQU   *-WTOL              Length of this list form WTO.
         SPACE ,
WTOM001  DC    AL2(L'WTOT001)
WTOT001  DC    C'CMDTASK started  at HH:MM:SS.thmiju on MM/DD/YYYY.'
WTOM002  DC    AL2(L'WTOT002)
WTOT002  DC    C'CMDTASK ended    at HH:MM:SS.thmiju on MM/DD/YYYY.'
WTOM003  DC    AL2(L'WTOT003)
WTOT003  DC    C'CMDTASK stopped  at HH:MM:SS.thmiju on MM/DD/YYYY.'
WTOM004  DC    AL2(L'WTOT004)
WTOT004  DC    C'CMDTASK modified at HH:MM:SS.thmiju on MM/DD/YYYY.'
WTOM005  DC    AL2(L'WTOT005)
WTOT005  DC    C'CMDTASK modify data: '
         SPACE ,
TIMEMASK DC    XL16'F021207A20207A20204B202020202020'
DATEMASK DC    XL12'F02120206120206120202020'
         SPACE ,
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
         SPACE ,
TIMEL    TIME  LINKAGE=SYSTEM,     System linkage as opposed to SVC.   C
               MF=L                List form macro.
TIMELLEN EQU   *-TIMEL             Length of this list form TIME macro.
         SPACE ,
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
         SPACE ,
EXTRACTL EXTRACT 0,                Extract target address (Dummy).     C
               'S',                Use the current TCB.                C
               FIELDS=(COMM),      A(Comm sched. communications list). C
               MF=L                List form macro.
EXTRALEN EQU   *-EXTRACTL          Length of this list form EXTRACT.
         SPACE ,
FSTOP    EQU   X'01'               Task STOP/P flag mask.
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
ECBLEND  DC    XL4'80000000'       End of ECB list.
         SPACE ,
         LTORG ,                   Literal pool origin.
         SPACE ,
CMDTASKX EQU   *-1                 End of module.
         SPACE ,
         DROP  R11,R12             Drop WSD and CSECT base.
*        Working storage area DSECT.                                  *
WSD      DSECT ,
WSDRSA   DS    18F                 Register save area.
         ORG   WSDRSA+4            Set origin to R13 save word.
WSDR13   DS    F                   R13 save word.
         ORG   ,                   Reset origin.
WSDR13P  DS    F                   Previous R13 save word.
WSDSTACK DS    16F                 Subroutine save stack.
WSDCOMA  DS    A                   A(Comm. sched. cummincations list).
WSDECBLA DS    A                   A(ECB to wait for console commands).
WSDINTVL DS    F                   STIMER interval in 1/100 seconds.
WSDDTME  DS    PL16                Time and date from TIME macro.
WSDEDTIM DS    XL16                Edited time.
WSDEDDTE DS    XL12                Edited date.
WSDMSG   DS    AL2,CL126           Console message.
WSDEXTL  DS    XL(EXTRALEN)        Space for list form EXTRACT.
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
WSDTIMEL DS    XL(TIMELLEN)        Space for list form TIME.
         CNOP  0,4                 Fullword alignment.
WSDWTOL  DS    XL(WTOLLEN)         Space for list form WTO.
WSDFLAG  DS    XL1                 Task processing flags.
WSDL     EQU   ((*-WSD+7)/8)*8     Length of DSECT to nearest dblword.
*        Communications Parameter List DSECT.                         *
COM      DSECT ,
         IEZCOM ,                  IEZCOM macro.
*        Command Input Buffer DSECT.                                  *
CIB      DSECT ,
         IEZCIB ,                  IEZCIB macro.
         SPACE ,
         END   ,                   End of assembly.
         PUNCH '*Binder option overrides'
         PUNCH '*Module addressability and residency options'
         PUNCH ' MODE AMODE(31)'   Binder 31-Bit addressing mode.
         PUNCH ' MODE RMODE(ANY)'  Binder 24 or 31-bit residency.
         PUNCH ' ENTRY CMDTASK'    Binder entry statement.
         PUNCH ' NAME CMDTASK(R)'  Binder module name statement.
         END   ,                   End of Binder/Linkage Editor cards.

Put it together using the following Assembler and Binder Job-Stream as an example.  Modify the Job-Stream as necessary to suit your environment:

//DEVEL01A JOB (30900001),'Marc Niegowski',NOTIFY=&SYSUID,
//             CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=H
//         SET     TITLE='''Assemble and Bind CMDTASK'''
//             PARM='RENT,NODECK,OBJECT'
//             SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),
//             UNIT=SYSDA
//             PARM=('SIZE=(1000K,100K)',NCAL,XREF,LIST,MAP,
//             'MSGLEVEL=8','COMPAT=CURR')
//SYSUT1    DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(6160,(230,760))

Your assembler and binder output should look something similar to this.

To execute this CMDTASK tutorial program as a submitted job, you can use the following sample JCL.  Modify the JCL as necessary to suit your environment:

//DEVEL01J JOB (30900001),'Marc Niegowski',NOTIFY=&SYSUID,
//             CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=H
//*            CMDTASK tutorial job stream.
//         SET     TITLE='''CMDTASK sample job'''

Below is a section of the console messages from submitting the above job stream.  The console MODIFY or F and STOP or P commands are highlighted in boldface.

    15.05.54 JOB01134  $HASP373 DEVEL01J STARTED - INIT 1 - CLASS A - SYS SYS1
  - 15.05.54 JOB01134  CMDTASK started at 15:05:54.868352 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.06.37 JOB01134  CMDTASK modified at 15:06:37.327692 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.06.37 JOB01134  CMDTASK modify data: ANIMALS=(ZOO,FARM,CIRCUS,WILDERNESS)
  - 15.07.08 JOB01134  CMDTASK modified at 15:07:08.786052 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.07.08 JOB01134  CMDTASK modify data: FISH=(OCEAN,LAKE,RIVER,POND,AQUARIUM)
  - 15.07.44           F DEVEL01J,You can send your task any data you like from the console
  - 15.07.44 JOB01134  CMDTASK modified at 15:07:44.257666 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.07.54           P DEVEL01J
  - 15.07.54 JOB01134  CMDTASK stopped at 15:07:54.559545 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.07.54 JOB01134  CMDTASK ended at 15:07:54.566923 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.07.54 JOB01134  IEF404I DEVEL01J - ENDED - TIME=15.07.54
    15.07.54 JOB01134  $HASP395 DEVEL01J ENDED
00  15.08.19 JOB01134  $HASP150 DEVEL01J OUTGRP=1.1.1 ON PRT1 78 (78) RECORDS

To execute this CMDTASK tutorial program as a started task (S CMDTASK or START CMDTASK from the console), you can use the following sample JCL procedure.  Modify the JCL procedure as necessary to suit your environment:

//*            CMDTASK tutorial procedure.

Below is a section of the console messages from starting the above procedure.  The console START or S, MODIFY or F and STOP or P commands are highlighted in boldface.

  - 15.35.34           S CMDTASK
    15.35.34 STC01136  $HASP373 CMDTASK STARTED
  - 15.35.34 STC01136  CMDTASK started at 15:35:34.548456 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.35.48 STC01136  CMDTASK modified at 15:35:48.790614 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.35.48 STC01136  CMDTASK modify data: ANIMALS=(ZOO,FARM,CIRCUS,WILDERNESS)
  - 15.36.04 STC01136  CMDTASK modified at 15:36:04.761650 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.36.04 STC01136  CMDTASK modify data: FISH=(OCEAN,LAKE,RIVER,POND,AQUARIUM)
  - 15.36.15           F CMDTASK,You can send your task any data you like from the console
  - 15.36.15 STC01136  CMDTASK modified at 15:36:15.426721 on 06/30/2006.
00- 15.36.32           P CMDTASK
  - 15.36.32 STC01136  CMDTASK stopped at 15:36:32.959267 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.36.32 STC01136  CMDTASK ended at 15:36:32.963912 on 06/30/2006.
  - 15.36.33 STC01136  IEF404I CMDTASK - ENDED - TIME=15.36.33
    15.36.33 STC01136  $HASP395 CMDTASK ENDED
    15.36.33 STC01136  $HASP150 CMDTASK OUTGRP=1.1.1 ON PRT2 56 (56) RECORDS

If you wish to experiment with the files in this tutorial and would rather download the samples than cut and paste them from this page, you can download the cmdtask.samples.pds.xmit.zip file.  Unzip this file and send it to your host TSO session using your favorite transmission method (FTP or IND$FILE, for example) using a record length of 80 and a record format of fixed (or fixed blocked as long as the blocksize is a multiple of the record length).

Next you need to RECEIVE the file under TSO as follows:

  • Enter "RECEIVE INDS(cmdtask.samples.pds.xmit)" without the quotes, either at a TSO prompt or ISPF option 6.

  • Once you receive the "INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +" message
    Enter "da(whatever.name.you.choose)" without the quotes.

  • TSO Receive will produce message indicating the progress of the receive and when finished, you will have a PDS named "youruserid.whatever.name.you.choose" containing all of the samples in this tutorial.

I will continue to add tips and techniques as time permits.

Please direct any inquiries or problems regarding this web to webmaster@marcsweb.com

Page design, composition and HTML by Marc Niegowski
Copyright © 1998-2012, Marc Niegowski - Connectivity, Inc., All Rights Reserved
23 W. Fourth Street • Media • Pennsylvania • 19063-2805 • USA
Phone: 610-566-0227 • Fax: 610-566-0641 • Email: Marc@Tech-Center.com

Revision Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:04:07 AM